Constitution & Rules


1.1 The name of the Club shall be Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club, hereinafter referred to as “the Club” or “Club”.



2.1. Promote the interests of walking amongst members of the Club.

2.2. Provide an opportunity for members of the Club to meet and participate in walking activities together.

2.3. Conserve and preserve the natural ecology of the terrain.

2.4. Foster the co-operation and respect the goodwill of farmers and land owners.

2.5. Promote the principles of the “Leave No Trace Policy”.

2.6. Promote the development of skills, safety and enjoyment in walking.



3.1. Membership of the Club shall be on the basis of individual or family membership.

3.2. Individuals under the age of 18 years, may be admitted as part of a family membership where either or both of the parents or guardians are members.  Under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a Club member on all Club walks and Club events. They will have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold office in the Club.

3.3. Members of the Club shall ensure they take adequate responsibility for their own safety and adhere to the Constitution and Club’s Code of Practice as published on the Club website.


4.1. The elected officers of the Club shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, PRO, Environmental Officer and Child Liaison Officer.

4.2. Nominees for officers of the Club shall be full members of the Club.

4.3. Voting for the election of officers shall take place at the AGM, and shall be by secret ballot.

4.4. No officer shall hold office for more than 3 consecutive years.


5.1 The management of the Club shall be entrusted to the Committee, who must act in accordance with its Constitution.



6.1. The Committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, PRO, Environmental Officer, Child Liaison Officer, Event Manager(s) as referred to under Section 6.5 and Chair of the Assets and Property Committee as referred to under Section 8.2.

6.2. The Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Club and present reports to Club meetings and the AGM.

6.3. Four elected members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum; each elected Committee member present shall be entitled to vote.

6.4. Decisions shall be by majority vote of the elected members. In the event of an equal number of votes, the presiding Chair shall exercise the casting vote.

6.5. The Committee may appoint, to the Committee, Club member(s) to manage Club events/activities.

6.6. If a vacancy should occur on the Committee, from those referred to under Section 6.1, the Committee may co-opt a club member until the next AGM.

6.7. The Agenda for the Committee meetings shall be circulated 7 days prior to the meeting.

6.8. The Committee may nominate a representative (or representatives) of the Club to attend Mountaineering Ireland Council meetings to represent the views of the membership and vote on behalf of the Club.

6.9. The Committee shall ensure that the Club is adequately insured.

6.10.   At the first Committee meeting, following its election, the Committee shall develop financial boundaries and safeguards for all transactions of the Club. These measures and any subsequent measures shall be presented to members at the next Club meeting for approval.

6.11.  The Committee shall operate a bank account or bank accounts in the name of the Club and all income received shall be documented and accounted for in the records.


6.12.   The Committee shall be responsible for the management of all property and equipment of the Club.



7.1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at Club and Committee meetings.

7.2. Vice Chair: In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall preside at meetings.

7.3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for circulating notices of meetings, producing and distributing the minutes of Club and Committee meetings, dealing with correspondence, maintaining membership records and keeping members informed of upcoming events etc.

7.4. Assistant Secretary: The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary when required. In the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary.


7.5. Treasurer:   The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions and shall account for any other income and expenditure made on behalf of the Club and also to produce accounts in a structured and transparent manner at the Club AGM, or as requested by the Chair.  Withdrawals of funds from the Bank shall be authorised by the Treasurer and any one of the following: Chair, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer or Event Manager. 

7.6. Assistant Treasurer: The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer as and when is necessary.

7.7. PRO: It shall be the responsibility of the PRO to promote all Club walks, events and activities at every opportunity.

7.8 Environmental Officer: The Environmental Officer shall be responsible for promotion of Environmental Awareness among Club members, promotion of Leave No Trace Policy, liaison with Mountaineering Ireland on consultation processes in relation to the environment and shall report to the Club AGM or as requested by the Chair.

7.9 Child Liaison Officer: The Child Liaison Officer shall seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop, in line with Mountaineering Irelands Policies and Procedures 2015. The Officer shall report to the Club AGM … or as requested by the Chair.




8.1. Club Trust and Trustees;


  1. The property and fixed assets of the Club shall be held in trust on behalf of the members by a Trust which shall be made up of a minimum of three and a maximum of five Trustees nominated by the Club Committee.
  2. There shall be no acquisition or disposal of land, buildings or assets without the prior approval of the members of the Club given by way of a Resolution at a Club Meeting, at which not less than a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting pass the Resolution.
  3. The Trust shall have the power, on behalf of the Club, to buy, sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any assets and property of the Club, solely as directed by a Resolution of a Club Meeting, of which any entry in the Minute Book signed by the Chair shall be conclusive evidence.
  4. The Trustees shall be indemnified by the Club against all liabilities properly incurred by them in the performance of their duties.
  5. The Trustees shall attend such Committee and Club Meetings as required and must so attend on the direction of the Chair.


    8.2. The property and fixed assets of the Club shall be managed by a committee, which shall be called the Assets and Property Committee. This committee shall consist of a chair and at least two other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Club Committee. The chair of the Assets and Property Committee shall be a member of the Club Committee, ex officio.



9.1. Club meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis. The Secretary shall circulate an agenda not less than 7 days prior to meeting.

9.2. Committee meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis, and more frequent as deemed necessary by the Chair.

9.3. The Club AGM shall be held no later than the last day of October. At least 21 days’ notice, with agenda, shall be given for this meeting. A Club member shall preside over the election of officers, as referred to in Section 4.1.

9.4. An EGM may be convened by the Committee or at least 25% of paid up members of the Club. The purpose and details of the EGM shall be notified to the Club members at least 21 days prior to the meeting.



10.1. The Committee shall have the power to set membership subscription levels for the Club on an annual basis.

10.2. Only fully paid up members shall be allowed to walk as club members.

10.3. Rates for day members shall be set by the Committee.

10.4 All subscriptions become due when the AGM has been declared closed.




11.1. The Constitution shall not be amended, unless proposed by the Committee or at least 25% of the paid up full members. Such proposals shall be discussed and voted upon, by secret ballot, at an AGM/EGM. 21 days’ notice of this meeting shall be required.


11.2. A review of the Constitution shall take place every 4 years.


11.3. For the Club to be dissolved it shall require a two thirds majority vote of paid up members, at an AGM/EGM. The discharge of any assets shall be by the agreement of Club members. Any liabilities at the time of the dissolution shall be the responsibility of all paid up members.



Amended 23rd October 2022


